


السبت، 12 ديسمبر 2015


طريقه فك حظر التعليقات والاعجابات وارسال الطلبات في  الفيس بوك 

الموقع الاول 

الموقع الثاني

بعض الرسايل المطلوبه :-

فك حظر الطلبات
Hello Facebook
I've been interdict the use of sending friend requests because someone had stolen my account was sent random requests were urban by Facebook administration and I hope you re-activate this feature

Thanks for Facebook

التعليقات والاعجابات
Hello Facebook
I've been interdict the use of comments and Likes because someone had stolen my account was sent random comments were urban by Facebook administration and I hope you re-activate this feature
Thanks for Facebook

ابلاغ لكل انواع الحظر
Hello I've been through Hzera Alkhto.ergy remove the ban as soon as possible and thank you
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